Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Waiting Game

We went to our 38 week appointment today. Dr. Schieffer said we are 3cm dialated and 80% effaced. So we are still making progress, but don't know when our baby will make her grand entrance. It could be anytime now. Tonight is a full moon and this weekend is supposed to be rainy (remember: doc says a drop in the barometric pressure is good). Keep your fingers crossed...

My friend Jennifer had her little boy, Harrison, at 12:30 this afternoon. He was 7lbs 12oz, and healthy. Congrats!!!!

As for my progress, I will keep y'all posted!!

1 comment:

Ally_C said...

WOW... seriously could be any time now! This is so exciting! Now is the time that I hate being 12 hours away!