Sunday, February 21, 2010

Super Pooper

Big news at the Little household today...Stella pooped in her potty!!!! This morning she went up to Nate and said, "Ah poo poo". So Nate told her to hold on while he went to go get her potty. She gathered up all of her babies, sat on the toilet, and then started to get off. Nate told her to finish pooping first, so she sat back down. After about 30 seconds she announced that she was "all done". Success!!! I could hear the cheering from bed. Stella, Sam, and Daddy all came in with her potty to show me the poo poo. Although breakfast in bed would be a far more traditional way to surprise mommy in bed--this was much more exciting!!! We cheered, and sang "Poo poo in the potty" as we flushed it down the big potty, Stella was decorated with stickers, and we called the grandparents to tell them the news. Don't get me wrong, I am still of the mind set that she can stay in diapers for a while. I prefer a contained "mess". But it was a big day and I am proud of her accomplishment. Such a big girl...

Wow!! Just imagine how I will feel at kindergarten graduation!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Little Valentines!!!

Decorate cupcakes and cookies. Check. Eat more cupcakes and cookies than "real food". Check. Read Valentines books. Check. Adorn "mailboxes" with stickers, color, and doilies. Check. Deliver Valentines. Check.

I would say it was a successful day! Hope you and your lovebugs had a Happy Valentines!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dining with the Kozuskos

The girls were feeding Sam mac n cheese from the table. His first introduction. Oh glorious day!