Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ohana in Hawaii (Part II)


The Dimiceli Ditty said...

Well...I think we should all just pack it up and move to the pics of your BEAUTIFUL and VERY PHOTOGENIC family--can't wait to see you sooo much over the next few weeks--I am DYING to be sick of you :-) love u, love u, love u!

lori said...

Ok. The Stella in her shades and Little Sam Sam (which is what Will calls him and misses him soooo much) in his oink shirt. Love them! Glad you had fun. So, how is Nate liking his clean face?

Hanna said...

I lOVE all these Hawaiian photos!!! I'm glad to hear the babies survived the plane trip. We are planning a family vacation to Kauai next summer and I am dreading the plane trip! You guys all look GREAT!! Can't wait to see you next month:) I'm ready to pop!