Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mustache and Tattoos

You send Stella to a one hour play date at Amanda's, and she comes home with a mustache and tattoos...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Typical Tuesday

Tuesdays usually go like this:
1. Brentwood Park
2. Yoga
3. Little Deli
4. Lollipops

The kids obviously like Tuesdays a whole lot.

The Little league

Sam LOVES baseball. He just got a t-ball set and he carries his new ball and bat around like a favorite lovey. One night he even tried to take the baseball to bed with him! After dinner we walk to the baseball fields to watch the little league games. Sam tries to sneak in to the dugout to play with the players' mits and bats. He is a little obsessed.
I have a feeling this will make sense later...I see major league in his future!